



0918 新rog windows笔记本测试

0803 9:34

This is a test web page

Test the github

20230712 测试新mac能否顺利运行

0. 测试新电脑是否能够同步笔记

1. 测试b站视频嵌入


<iframe src="//player.bilibili.com/player.html?aid=14909587&bvid=BV1Hx411V7n9&cid=24297387&page=1" scrolling="no" border="0" frameborder="no" framespacing="0" allowfullscreen="true" width="800" height="500"> </iframe>

2. 测试图片插入






3. 测试音乐插入


<iframe frameborder="no" border="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" width="330" height="450" src="//music.163.com/outchain/player?type=0&id=5156824747&auto=0&height=430"></iframe>




<iframe frameborder="no" border="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" width="100%" height="100" src="https://music.163.com/outchain/player?type=2&amp;id=38018486&amp;auto=0&amp;height=100"></iframe>





hello! here is Chi Le

需要处理的warnings: The following pages exist in the docs directory, but are not included in the "nav" configuration: - Course/15445/1.md - Course/cs144/information.md - Course/cs61b/week2.md - Course/ddca/ddca.md - Problem/acwing/算法基础课贪心.md - Project/bytedance/第五届字节跳动青训营后端专场.md WARNING - A relative path to 'Course\15445\1.md' is included in the 'nav' configuration, which is not found in the documentation files. WARNING - A relative path to 'Course\ddca\ddca.md' is included in the 'nav' configuration, which is not found in the documentation files. WARNING - A relative path to 'Course\cs144\information.md' is included in the 'nav' configuration, which is not found in the documentation files. WARNING - A relative path to 'About\mfolder\mklink使用方法.md' is included in the 'nav' configuration, which is not found in the documentation files. WARNING - A relative path to 'About\mfolder\mklink使用方法.md' is included in the 'nav' configuration, which is not found in the documentation files. INFO - Doc file 'Course/cs50/CS50 intoduction to computer science.md' contains an absolute link '/Users/lechi/Library/Application Support/typora-user-images/截屏2022-05-20 上午1.45.54.png', it was left as is. INFO - Doc file 'Course/cs61a/week1.md' contains an absolute link '/Users/charleschile/Library/Application Support/typora-user-images/截屏2023-03-27 16.03.42.png', it was left as is. WARNING - Doc file 'Problem/index.md' contains a relative link 'Problem/../acwing/语法基础课5.md', but the target 'Problem/acwing/语法基础课5.md' is not found among documentation files. WARNING - Doc file 'Problem/index.md' contains a relative link 'Problem/../acwing/语法基础课6.md', but the target 'Problem/acwing/语法基础课6.md' is not found among documentation files. WARNING - Doc file 'Problem/index.md' contains a relative link 'Problem/../acwing/语法基础课7.md', but the target 'Problem/acwing/语法基础课7.md' is not found among documentation files. WARNING - Doc file 'Problem/index.md' contains a relative link 'Problem/../acwing/语法基础课8.md', but the target 'Problem/acwing/语法基础课8.md' is not found among documentation files. INFO - Doc file 'Project/ant.md' contains an absolute link '/Users/lechi/Library/Application Support/typora-user-images/截屏2022-12-17 14.17.58.png', it was left as is. INFO - Doc file 'Project/ant.md' contains an absolute link '/Users/lechi/Library/Application Support/typora-user-images/截屏2022-12-17 16.32.31.png', it was left as is. INFO - Doc file 'Project/ant.md' contains an absolute link '/Users/lechi/Library/Application Support/typora-user-images/截屏2022-12-17 16.42.04.png', it was left as is. INFO - Doc file 'Project/ant.md' contains an absolute link '/Users/lechi/Library/Application Support/typora-user-images/截屏2022-12-17 16.43.30.png', it was left as is. INFO - Doc file 'Project/ant.md' contains an absolute link '/Users/lechi/Library/Application Support/typora-user-images/截屏2022-12-17 16.44.38.png', it was left as is. INFO - Doc file 'Project/ant.md' contains an absolute link '/Users/lechi/Library/Application Support/typora-user-images/截屏2022-12-17 16.44.52.png', it was left as is. WARNING - Path 'Course\15445\1.md' uses OS-specific separator '\'. That will be unsupported in a future release. Please change it to '/'. WARNING - Path 'Course\ddca\ddca.md' uses OS-specific separator '\'. That will be unsupported in a future release. Please change it to '/'. WARNING - Path 'Course\cs144\information.md' uses OS-specific separator '\'. That will be unsupported in a future release. Please change it to '/'. WARNING - Path 'About\mfolder\mklink使用方法.md' uses OS-specific separator '\'. That will be unsupported in a future release. Please change it to '/'. INFO - Documentation built in 2.45 seconds INFO - [16:16:19] Watching paths for changes: 'docs', 'mkdocs.yml' INFO - [16:16:19] Serving on INFO - [16:16:42] Browser connected: INFO - [16:17:17] Detected file changes INFO - Building documentation... INFO - The following pages exist in the docs directory, but are not included in the "nav" configuration: - Course/15445/1.md - Course/cs144/information.md - Course/cs61b/week2.md - Course/ddca/ddca.md - Problem/acwing/算法基础课贪心.md - Project/bytedance/第五届字节跳动青训营后端专场.md WARNING - A relative path to 'Course\15445\1.md' is included in the 'nav' configuration, which is not found in the documentation files. WARNING - A relative path to 'Course\ddca\ddca.md' is included in the 'nav' configuration, which is not found in the documentation files. WARNING - A relative path to 'Course\cs144\information.md' is included in the 'nav' configuration, which is not found in the documentation files. WARNING - A relative path to 'About\mfolder\mklink使用方法.md' is included in the 'nav' configuration, which is not found in the documentation files. WARNING - A relative path to 'About\mfolder\mklink使用方法.md' is included in the 'nav' configuration, which is not found in the documentation files. INFO - Doc file 'Course/cs50/CS50 intoduction to computer science.md' contains an absolute link '/Users/lechi/Library/Application Support/typora-user-images/截屏2022-05-20 上午1.45.54.png', it was left as is. INFO - Doc file 'Course/cs61a/week1.md' contains an absolute link '/Users/charleschile/Library/Application Support/typora-user-images/截屏2023-03-27 16.03.42.png', it was left as is. WARNING - Doc file 'Problem/index.md' contains a relative link 'Problem/../acwing/语法基础课5.md', but the target 'Problem/acwing/语法基础课5.md' is not found among documentation files. WARNING - Doc file 'Problem/index.md' contains a relative link 'Problem/../acwing/语法基础课6.md', but the target 'Problem/acwing/语法基础课6.md' is not found among documentation files. WARNING - Doc file 'Problem/index.md' contains a relative link 'Problem/../acwing/语法基础课7.md', but the target 'Problem/acwing/语法基础课7.md' is not found among documentation files. WARNING - Doc file 'Problem/index.md' contains a relative link 'Problem/../acwing/语法基础课8.md', but the target 'Problem/acwing/语法基础课8.md' is not found among documentation files. INFO - Doc file 'Project/ant.md' contains an absolute link '/Users/lechi/Library/Application Support/typora-user-images/截屏2022-12-17 14.17.58.png', it was left as is. INFO - Doc file 'Project/ant.md' contains an absolute link '/Users/lechi/Library/Application Support/typora-user-images/截屏2022-12-17 16.32.31.png', it was left as is. INFO - Doc file 'Project/ant.md' contains an absolute link '/Users/lechi/Library/Application Support/typora-user-images/截屏2022-12-17 16.42.04.png', it was left as is. INFO - Doc file 'Project/ant.md' contains an absolute link '/Users/lechi/Library/Application Support/typora-user-images/截屏2022-12-17 16.43.30.png', it was left as is. INFO - Doc file 'Project/ant.md' contains an absolute link '/Users/lechi/Library/Application Support/typora-user-images/截屏2022-12-17 16.44.38.png', it was left as is. INFO - Doc file 'Project/ant.md' contains an absolute link '/Users/lechi/Library/Application Support/typora-user-images/截屏2022-12-17 16.44.52.png', it was left as is. INFO - Documentation built in 2.37 seconds INFO - [16:17:19] Reloading browsers INFO - [16:17:19] Browser connected: INFO - [16:17:21] Detected file changes INFO - Building documentation... INFO - The following pages exist in the docs directory, but are not included in the "nav" configuration: - Course/15445/1.md - Course/cs144/information.md - Course/cs61b/week2.md - Course/ddca/ddca.md - Problem/acwing/算法基础课贪心.md - Project/bytedance/第五届字节跳动青训营后端专场.md WARNING - A relative path to 'Course\15445\1.md' is included in the 'nav' configuration, which is not found in the documentation files. WARNING - A relative path to 'Course\ddca\ddca.md' is included in the 'nav' configuration, which is not found in the documentation files. WARNING - A relative path to 'Course\cs144\information.md' is included in the 'nav' configuration, which is not found in the documentation files. WARNING - A relative path to 'About\mfolder\mklink使用方法.md' is included in the 'nav' configuration, which is not found in the documentation files. WARNING - A relative path to 'About\mfolder\mklink使用方法.md' is included in the 'nav' configuration, which is not found in the documentation files. INFO - Doc file 'Course/cs50/CS50 intoduction to computer science.md' contains an absolute link '/Users/lechi/Library/Application Support/typora-user-images/截屏2022-05-20 上午1.45.54.png', it was left as is. INFO - Doc file 'Course/cs61a/week1.md' contains an absolute link '/Users/charleschile/Library/Application Support/typora-user-images/截屏2023-03-27 16.03.42.png', it was left as is. WARNING - Doc file 'Problem/index.md' contains a relative link 'Problem/../acwing/语法基础课5.md', but the target 'Problem/acwing/语法基础课5.md' is not found among documentation files. WARNING - Doc file 'Problem/index.md' contains a relative link 'Problem/../acwing/语法基础课6.md', but the target 'Problem/acwing/语法基础课6.md' is not found among documentation files. WARNING - Doc file 'Problem/index.md' contains a relative link 'Problem/../acwing/语法基础课7.md', but the target 'Problem/acwing/语法基础课7.md' is not found among documentation files. WARNING - Doc file 'Problem/index.md' contains a relative link 'Problem/../acwing/语法基础课8.md', but the target 'Problem/acwing/语法基础课8.md' is not found among documentation files. INFO - Doc file 'Project/ant.md' contains an absolute link '/Users/lechi/Library/Application Support/typora-user-images/截屏2022-12-17 14.17.58.png', it was left as is. INFO - Doc file 'Project/ant.md' contains an absolute link '/Users/lechi/Library/Application Support/typora-user-images/截屏2022-12-17 16.32.31.png', it was left as is. INFO - Doc file 'Project/ant.md' contains an absolute link '/Users/lechi/Library/Application Support/typora-user-images/截屏2022-12-17 16.42.04.png', it was left as is. INFO - Doc file 'Project/ant.md' contains an absolute link '/Users/lechi/Library/Application Support/typora-user-images/截屏2022-12-17 16.43.30.png', it was left as is. INFO - Doc file 'Project/ant.md' contains an absolute link '/Users/lechi/Library/Application Support/typora-user-images/截屏2022-12-17 16.44.38.png', it was left as is. INFO - Doc file 'Project/ant.md' contains an absolute link '/Users/lechi/Library/Application Support/typora-user-images/截屏2022-12-17 16.44.52.png', it was left as is. INFO - Documentation built in 2.41 seconds