CS50 notebook¶
- 看notes 2h
- 看lecture 2.5h 推荐上用edx上的链接去YouTube看,而不是用edx自带的播放器,因为总是会卡
- 看shorts 1.5h,shorts很重要,在作业里面经常会用到
- 做lab(week2开始有) 时间不定
- 做作业(尽量选择feel more comfortable的难度 ) 时间经常超过3小时
很多讲解非常形象,比如week0撕书,week3讲解merge sort时将字母从第0层sort到第三层得出复杂度nlogn
heck 糟糕,见鬼
Exclamation 感叹号
Period 句号
Pedantically 卖弄学问地;学究式地,迂腐地
Trait 特质,特征
Round to the nearest integer 四舍五入到最近的整数
Retrace the steps 重溯以前的步骤
substitution cipher 替换密码
encrypt 把……加密,将……译成密码
conceal 隐藏;隐瞒
Divide and conquer 分而治之,各个击破
Zoom out 缩小
curly braces 花括号{}
on the order of 近似
Iterate 迭代
Resemble 类似
Prompt 促使
Shuffled 打乱的,洗牌
Elapsed 经过
Plurality 多数;复数;兼职;胜出票数
appointed by the monarch 由君主任命
First-past-the-post 最高票者当选
Ballot 选举
Head-to-head 白刃战
Margin 差距
glint 闪烁,发光
scan line 扫描线
precondition 前提,先决条件
equated with 相等于
wrap around to 环绕·
tinker with 胡乱地修补;tinker 小修补;笨手笨脚地做事
ampersand &记号名称(address operator)
asterisk *记号名称
toggle 切换,转换
allocate 分配
poke around 闲逛
whittle down 削弱
intimidating 令人望而生畏的
screw up 拧紧;鼓舞;弄糟
discipline 纪律,风纪;惩罚,处分;训导,管教
creep up 蠕升;渗上来
volatile 易变的
factorial 阶乘的
ephemeral 短暂的,短生的
companion 同伴,伴侣
grid 格栅 a grid of pixels
metadata 元数据
debute 首次参与,首次登台
tradeoff 权衡,折中
snippet 代码片段
week1 mario-more¶
#include <cs50.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
int height, row, column, space;
// Prompt user for height
height = get_int("Enter Your Height: ");
while (height < 1 || height > 8);
// For each row
for (row = 0; row < height; row++)
// For each space
for (space = 0; space < height - row - 1; space++)
printf(" ");
// For each column
for (column = 0; column <= row; column++)
// Constant two spaces
printf(" ");
// The right part
for (column = 0; column <= row; column++)
// Move to next row
week1 credit¶
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cs50.h>
bool check_card(long card);
int get_length(long card);
bool checksum(long card);
void print_card_type(long card);
int main(void)
long card_number;
// Prompt user for credit card number
card_number = get_long("Number: ");
while (card_number < 0);
// Print card type
if (check_card(card_number) == true)
// Check card lenth and check sum
bool check_card(long card)
int length = get_length(card);
return (length == 13 || length == 15 || length == 16) && checksum(card);
// Get the length of credit card
int get_length(long card)
int i;
for (i = 0; card != 0; card /= 10, i++);
return i;
// Check sum
bool checksum(long card)
int sum = 0;
int i;
for (i = 0; card != 0; card /= 10, i++)
if (i % 2 == 0)
sum += card % 10;
int multiple = 2 * (card % 10);
sum += multiple / 10 + multiple % 10;
return (sum % 10) == 0;
// Identify and print card type
void print_card_type(long card)
if ((card >= 34e13 && card < 35e13) || (card >= 37e13 && card < 38e13))
else if (card >= 51e14 && card < 56e14)
else if ((card >= 4e12 && card < 5e12) || (card >= 4e15 && card < 5e15))
week2 lab¶
A对应的是65,所以相加的为word[i - 65]
#include <ctype.h>
#include <cs50.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
// Points assigned to each letter of the alphabet
int POINTS[] = {1, 3, 3, 2, 1, 4, 2, 4, 1, 8, 5, 1, 3, 1, 1, 3, 10, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 4, 8, 4, 10};
int compute_score(string word);
int main(void)
// Get input words from both players
string word1 = get_string("Player 1: ");
string word2 = get_string("Player 2: ");
// Score both words
int score1 = compute_score(word1);
int score2 = compute_score(word2);
// TODO: Print the winner
if (score1 > score2)
printf("Player 1 wins!\n");
if (score1 < score2)
printf("Player 2 wins\n");
int compute_score(string word)
// TODO: Compute and return score for string
int length = strlen(word);
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i <length; i++)
word[i] = toupper(word[i]);
for (int j = 0; j < length; j++)
int m = (int)word[j]-65;
sum = sum + POINTS[m];
return sum;
week2 readability¶
注意这道题中的计算结果是四舍五入的,四舍五入的巧妙方法是(int)(x + 0.5)
#include <cs50.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
int count_letters(string text);
int count_words(string text);
int count_sentences(string text);
int main(void)
// prompt user for imput
string input = get_string("Text: ");
int letters = count_letters(input);
int words = count_words(input);
int sentences = count_sentences(input);
// printf("%i letters\n", letters);
// printf("%i words\n", words);
// printf("%i sentences\n", sentences);
// index = 0.0588 * L - 0.296 * S - 15.8
double L = (double)letters / (double)words * 100;
double S = (double)sentences / (double)words * 100;
double index1 = 0.0588 * L - 0.296 * S - 15.8;
int index = (int)(index1 + 0.5);
// printf("L is %f\n", L);
// printf("S is %f\n", S);
// printf("index1 is %f\n", index1);
// printf("index is %i\n",index);
if (index >= 16)
printf("Grade 16+\n");
else if (index < 1)
printf("Before Grade 1\n");
printf("Grade %i\n", index);
// count the number of letters in the text
int count_letters(string text)
int count_of_letters = 0;
int length = strlen(text);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
if (isalpha(text[i]))
count_of_letters = count_of_letters + 1;
return count_of_letters;
// count the number of words in the text
int count_words(string text)
int count_of_words = 1;
int length = strlen(text);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
if (text[i] == ' ')
count_of_words = count_of_words + 1;
return count_of_words;
// count the number of sentences in the text
int count_sentences(string text)
int count_of_sentences = 0;
int length = strlen(text);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
if (text[i] == '.')
count_of_sentences = count_of_sentences + 1;
else if (text[i] == '!')
count_of_sentences = count_of_sentences + 1;
else if (text[i] == '?')
count_of_sentences = count_of_sentences + 1;
count_of_sentences = count_of_sentences + 0;
return count_of_sentences;
week2 substitution¶
- 原字母的大小写状态保留,且key有可能是大小混杂的,但是输出的大小写是以plain text为依据的
- 只有alphabetical character需要被转换,其他的都不需要
- 长度不正确(长于,小于)的可以要报error
- 没有输入,需要报usage
- 输入多个argv[]也需要报usage
- 要有exit status直接退出程序
- 先判断key是否符合原则
- 再对plaintext分类讨论
#include <cs50.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
string encrypt(string text, string substitute);
bool check_duplicate(string text);
bool check_invalid(string text);
int main(int argc, string argv[])
// check if there is no command-line argument
if (argc == 1)
// if no command-line argument, exit
printf("Usage: ./substitution key\n");
return 1;
string key = argv[1];
int length = strlen(key);
// check whether the key is valid
if (argc == 2)
if (length != 26)
// if length does not equal to 26, exit
printf("Key must contain 26 characters.\n");
return 1;
else if (check_duplicate(key))
// if there are duplicate characters, exit
printf("Key must not contain duplicate characters.\n");
return 1;
else if (check_invalid(key))
// if there are invalid characters, exit
printf("Invalid character in key.\n");
return 1;
// plain text should be provided and encrypted if the key is valid
string plain_text = get_string("plaintext: ");
string cipher_text = encrypt(plain_text, key);
printf("ciphertext: %s\n", cipher_text);
return 0;
printf("Usage: ./substitution key\n");
return 1;
// implementation of substitution cipher
string encrypt(string text, string substitute)
int text_len = strlen(text);
int substitute_len = strlen(substitute);
// convert all the letters of key to uppercase
for (int i = 0; i < substitute_len; i++)
substitute[i] = toupper(substitute[i]);
// substitution
for (int j = 0; j < text_len; j++)
if (text[j] >= 'A' && text[j] <= 'Z')
text[j] = substitute[(int)text[j] - 65];
else if (text[j] >= 'a' && text[j] <= 'z')
text[j] = substitute[(int)text[j] - 97] + 32;
text[j] = text[j];
return text;
// check if there are duplicate characters
bool check_duplicate(string text)
int text_len = strlen(text);
int check = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < text_len; i++)
for (int j = i + 1; j < text_len; j++)
if (text[i] == text[j])
check = check + 1;
return check != 0;
// check if there are invalid characters
bool check_invalid(string text)
int text_len = strlen(text);
int check2 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < text_len; i++)
if (isalpha(text[i]))
check2 = check2 + 0;
check2 = check2 + 1;
return check2 != 0;
week3 lab¶
sort1 uses: bubble sort
How do you know?: when sorting sorted50000.txt, bubble sort does not need to swap any of the numbers and just exits, so it should cost less than selection sort.
sort2 uses: merge sort
How do you know?: the time of sorting 50000 random numbers cost by sort2 algoritm is the smallest. Merge sort has the smallest big O when sorting large amount of numbers.
sort3 uses: selection sort
How do you know?: when sorting reversed50000.txt, selection sort should cost less than the bubble sort.
week3 plurality¶
#include <cs50.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
// Max number of candidates
#define MAX 9
// Candidates have name and vote count
typedef struct
string name;
int votes;
// Array of candidates
candidate candidates[MAX];
// Number of candidates
int candidate_count;
// Function prototypes
bool vote(string name);
void print_winner(void);
int main(int argc, string argv[])
// Check for invalid usage
if (argc < 2)
printf("Usage: plurality [candidate ...]\n");
return 1;
// Populate array of candidates
candidate_count = argc - 1;
if (candidate_count > MAX)
printf("Maximum number of candidates is %i\n", MAX);
return 2;
for (int i = 0; i < candidate_count; i++)
candidates[i].name = argv[i + 1];
candidates[i].votes = 0;
int voter_count = get_int("Number of voters: ");
// Loop over all voters
for (int i = 0; i < voter_count; i++)
string name = get_string("Vote: ");
// Check for invalid vote
if (!vote(name))
printf("Invalid vote.\n");
// Display winner of election
// Update vote totals given a new vote
bool vote(string name)
int b = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < candidate_count; i++)
if (strcmp(candidates[i].name, name) == 0)
candidates[i].votes = candidates[i].votes + 1;
b = b + 1;
return true;
return b != 0;
// Print the winner (or winners) of the election
void print_winner(void)
int max = candidates[0].votes;
for (int i = 1; i < candidate_count; i++)
if (candidates[i].votes > max)
max = candidates[i].votes;
for (int i = 0; i < candidate_count; i++)
if (candidates[i].votes == max)
printf("%s\n", candidates[i].name);
week3 tideman¶
储存名字的是 string candidates[]
名字的数量是 candidate_count
bool vote:
#include <cs50.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
// Max number of candidates
#define MAX 9
// preferences[i][j] is number of voters who prefer i over j
int preferences[MAX][MAX];
// locked[i][j] means i is locked in over j
bool locked[MAX][MAX];
// Each pair has a winner, loser
typedef struct
int winner;
int loser;
// check whether the edges will create a cycle
bool check_cycle(int winner, int loser);
// Array of candidates
string candidates[MAX];
pair pairs[MAX * (MAX - 1) / 2];
int pair_count;
int candidate_count;
// Function prototypes
bool vote(int rank, string name, int ranks[]);
void record_preferences(int ranks[]);
void add_pairs(void);
void sort_pairs(void);
void lock_pairs(void);
void print_winner(void);
int main(int argc, string argv[])
// Check for invalid usage
if (argc < 2)
printf("Usage: tideman [candidate ...]\n");
return 1;
// Populate array of candidates
candidate_count = argc - 1;
if (candidate_count > MAX)
printf("Maximum number of candidates is %i\n", MAX);
return 2;
for (int i = 0; i < candidate_count; i++)
candidates[i] = argv[i + 1];
// Clear graph of locked in pairs
for (int i = 0; i < candidate_count; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < candidate_count; j++)
locked[i][j] = false;
pair_count = 0;
int voter_count = get_int("Number of voters: ");
// Query for votes
for (int i = 0; i < voter_count; i++)
// ranks[i] is voter's ith preference
int ranks[candidate_count];
// Query for each rank
for (int j = 0; j < candidate_count; j++)
string name = get_string("Rank %i: ", j + 1);
if (!vote(j, name, ranks))
printf("Invalid vote.\n");
return 3;
return 0;
// Update ranks given a new vote
bool vote(int rank, string name, int ranks[])
for (int i = 0; i < candidate_count; i++)
if (strcmp(candidates[i], name) == 0)
ranks[rank] = i;
return true;
return false;
// Update preferences given one voter's ranks
void record_preferences(int ranks[])
for (int i = 0; i < candidate_count; i++)
for (int j = i + 1; j < candidate_count; j++)
// Record pairs of candidates where one is preferred over the other
void add_pairs(void)
for (int i = 0; i < candidate_count; i++)
for (int j = i + 1; j < candidate_count; j++)
if (preferences[i][j] > preferences[j][i])
pairs[pair_count].winner = i;
pairs[pair_count].loser = j;
pair_count = pair_count + 1;
else if (preferences[i][j] < preferences[j][i])
pairs[pair_count].winner = j;
pairs[pair_count].loser = i;
pair_count = pair_count + 1;
// Sort pairs in decreasing order by strength of victory
void sort_pairs(void)
bool swapped;
for (int i = 0; i < pair_count - 1; i++)
swapped = false;
for (int j = 0; j < pair_count - 1; j++)
if (preferences[pairs[j].winner][pairs[j].loser] < preferences[pairs[j + 1].winner][pairs[j + 1].loser])
pair temp = pairs[j];
pairs[j] = pairs[j + 1];
pairs[j + 1] = temp;
swapped = true;
if (swapped == false)
// Lock pairs into the candidate graph in order, without creating cycles
void lock_pairs(void)
for (int i = 0; i < pair_count; i++)
if (!check_cycle(pairs[i].loser, pairs[i].winner))
locked[pairs[i].winner][pairs[i].loser] = true;
// Print the winner of the election
void print_winner(void)
for (int i = 0; i < candidate_count; i++)
int locked_edge_numbers = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < candidate_count; j++)
if (locked[j][i] == false)
if (locked_edge_numbers == candidate_count)
printf("%s\n", candidates[i]);
// check whether the edges will create a cycle
bool check_cycle(int loser, int winner)
if (loser == winner)
return true;
for (int i = 0; i < candidate_count; i++)
if (locked[loser][i])
if (check_cycle(i, winner))
return true;
return false;
bool cycle(int end, int cycle_start)
// Return True if there is a cycle created (recursion base case)
if (end == cycle_start)
return true;
// Loop through candidates
for (int i = 0; i < candidate_count; i++)
if (locked[end][i])
if (cycle(i, cycle_start))
return true;
return false;
week4 lab¶
// Modifies the volume of an audio file
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// Number of bytes in .wav header
const int HEADER_SIZE = 44;
// Create an array to store header file
uint8_t header[HEADER_SIZE];
// using the int16_t type to store audio sample
int16_t buffer;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
// Check command-line arguments
if (argc != 4)
printf("Usage: ./volume input.wav output.wav factor\n");
return 1;
// Open files and determine scaling factor
FILE *input = fopen(argv[1], "r");
if (input == NULL)
printf("Could not open file.\n");
return 1;
FILE *output = fopen(argv[2], "w");
if (output == NULL)
printf("Could not open file.\n");
return 1;
float factor = atof(argv[3]);
// TODO: Copy header from input file to output file
fread(&header, sizeof(header), 1, input);
fwrite(&header, sizeof(header), 1, output);
// TODO: Read samples from input file and write updated data to output file
while (fread(&buffer, sizeof(buffer), 1, input))
buffer *= factor;
fwrite(&buffer, sizeof(buffer), 1, output);
// Close files
week4 filter-more¶
#include "helpers.h"
#include <math.h>
// Convert image to grayscale
void grayscale(int height, int width, RGBTRIPLE image[height][width])
for (int i = 0; i < height; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < width; j++)
int average = round((image[i][j].rgbtRed + image[i][j].rgbtGreen + image[i][j].rgbtBlue) / 3.0);
image[i][j].rgbtRed = average;
image[i][j].rgbtBlue = average;
image[i][j].rgbtGreen = average;
// Reflect image horizontally
void reflect(int height, int width, RGBTRIPLE image[height][width])
for (int i = 0; i < height; i++)
if (width % 2 == 1)
for (int j = 0; j < ((width + 1) / 2) - 1; j ++)
RGBTRIPLE replace[i][j];
replace[i][j] = image[i][j];
image[i][j] = image[i][width - 1 - j];
image[i][width - 1 - j] = replace[i][j];
for (int j = 0; j < width / 2; j ++)
RGBTRIPLE replace[i][j];
replace[i][j] = image[i][j];
image[i][j] = image[i][width - 1 - j];
image[i][width - 1 - j] = replace[i][j];
// Blur image
void blur(int height, int width, RGBTRIPLE image[height][width])
RGBTRIPLE replace[height][width];
for (int i = 0; i < height; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < width; j++)
float blueSum = 0;
float greenSum = 0;
float redSum = 0;
float counter = 0;
for (int x = i - 1; x < i + 2; x++)
for (int y = j - 1; y < j + 2; y++)
if (x < 0 || x > height - 1)
if (y < 0 || y > width - 1)
blueSum += image[x][y].rgbtBlue;
greenSum += image[x][y].rgbtGreen;
redSum += image[x][y].rgbtRed;
replace[i][j].rgbtBlue = round(blueSum / counter);
replace[i][j].rgbtGreen = round(greenSum / counter);
replace[i][j].rgbtRed = round(redSum / counter);
for (int i = 0; i < height; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < width; j++)
image[i][j].rgbtBlue = replace[i][j].rgbtBlue;
image[i][j].rgbtGreen = replace[i][j].rgbtGreen;
image[i][j].rgbtRed = replace[i][j].rgbtRed;
// Detect edges
void edges(int height, int width, RGBTRIPLE image[height][width])
RGBTRIPLE replace[height][width];
int kernelX[3][3] = {{-1, 0, 1}, {-2, 0, 2}, {-1, 0, 1}};
int kernelY[3][3] = {{-1, -2, -1}, {0, 0, 0}, {1, 2, 1}};
for (int i = 0; i < height; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < width; j++)
int gxBlue = 0;
int gyBlue = 0;
int gxGreen = 0;
int gyGreen = 0;
int gxRed = 0;
int gyRed = 0;
for (int x = i - 1; x < i + 2; x++)
for (int y = j - 1; y < j + 2; y++)
if (x < 0 || x > height - 1)
if (y < 0 || y > width - 1)
gxBlue += image[x][y].rgbtBlue * kernelX[x - i + 1][y - j + 1];
gyBlue += image[x][y].rgbtBlue * kernelY[x - i + 1][y - j + 1];
gxGreen += image[x][y].rgbtGreen * kernelX[x - i + 1][y - j + 1];
gyGreen += image[x][y].rgbtGreen * kernelY[x - i + 1][y - j + 1];
gxRed += image[x][y].rgbtRed * kernelX[x - i + 1][y - j + 1];
gyRed += image[x][y].rgbtRed * kernelY[x - i + 1][y - j + 1];
// calculate Sobel operator
int blue = round(sqrt(gxBlue * gxBlue + gyBlue * gyBlue));
int green = round(sqrt(gxGreen * gxGreen + gyGreen * gyGreen));
int red = round(sqrt(gxRed * gxRed + gyRed * gyRed));
// cap at 255
if (blue > 255)
blue = 255;
if (green > 255)
green = 255;
if (red > 255)
red = 255;
replace[i][j].rgbtBlue = blue;
replace[i][j].rgbtGreen = green;
replace[i][j].rgbtRed = red;
for (int i = 0; i < height; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < width; j++)
// assign new values to pixels
image[i][j].rgbtBlue = replace[i][j].rgbtBlue;
image[i][j].rgbtGreen = replace[i][j].rgbtGreen;
image[i][j].rgbtRed = replace[i][j].rgbtRed;
week4 recover¶
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
//Make sure that you have one command line argument
if (argc != 2)
printf( "Please enter file to open.\n");
return 1;
// open memory card file
FILE *file=fopen(argv[1],"r");
if(file == NULL)
printf("not a file\n");
// set jpg count
int jpg_found=0;
// set filecount
int filecount=0;
// set buffer with 512 bytes.
unsigned char buffer[512]; // alternate : unsigned char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE] but you have to :#define BUFFER_SIZE 512 at top
// define file for images
// set filename
char filename[8]; // 8= 3 digits(000-049) 1 dot 3 char(jpg) 1 /0(null terminating char)
// read file
while(fread(buffer,512,1,file)==1) // data,size,qty,file; while this condition is satisfied
// check if jpg using 1st four bytes
if (buffer[0] == 0xff && buffer[1] == 0xd8 && buffer[2] == 0xff && (buffer[3] & 0xf0) == 0xe0) // for buffer[3] condition watch walkthrough video explanation
if( jpg_found==1) // already opened a prior jpg byte then close it
else // if not then you found a jpeg so increment counter
sprintf(filename,"%03i.jpg",filecount); // print filename 000.jpg and increasing each time
img=fopen(filename,"w"); // open file for images to append/write
filecount++; // after each file is opened increment file count counter
if(jpg_found==1) // once found jpeg write from buffer to img file
fclose(file); // close file(memory card to buffer) and img(buffer to img file)
// done
return 0;
WEEK 2 Arrays¶
Compiling source codes into machine codes is actually made up of four smaller steps:
- preprocessing
- compiling
- assembling
- linking
preprocessing: replacing the lines that starts with a #.
Exp. #include
Compiling: taking our source code in C and converting it into assembly language
Assembling: take the code in assemble and translate it into binary.
Compiling: combine the compiled libraries and compiled binary of our program
- use printf
- There is a debugger in VS code: red dot or called breakpoint Debug50 ./filename
- rubber duck talk to it
#include <cs50.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int get_negative_int(void);
int main(void)
int i = get_negative_int();
int get_negative_int(void)
int n;
n = get_int("waht's the number: ");
while (n >= 0);
return n;
Bool: 1byte
Char: 1byte (8bits in 1 byte), by ASCII 256 different characters can be represented
Double: 8 bytes
Float: 4bytes
int: 4bytes
Long: 8bytes
String: variable
RAM: random-access memory, stores zeroes and ones
Declaration: tepe name[size]
Float lechi[50]
bool truthtable[3] = { false, false, true};
bool battleship[10][10];
int foo[3] = {1, 2, 3};
int bar[3];
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
bar[j] = int[j];
Square bracket: [ ]
It turns out we can refer to multiple variables with one name with another type called an array
Array is 0-indexed
#include <cs50.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
int n = get_int("How many scores? ");
int scores[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
scores[i] = get_int("Score: ");
printf("Average: %f\n", (scores[0] + scores[1] + scores[2]) / 3.0);
We can explicitly convert chars to ints by:
printf("i%i%i%\n", (int)c1, (int)c2, (int)c3);
Strings are actually just arrays of characters
string s = "HI!";
printf("%i %i %i %i\n", s[0], s[1], s[2], s[3]);
the output is 72 73 33 0
In C, strings end with a sopecial chatacter '\0', so 4 bytes are needed to store a string with 3 bytes.
Eight 0s called NUL
**a program to capitalize the letters in a string: **
#include <cs50.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main()void
string name = get_string("your name in lower case: ");
for (int i = 0, n = strlen(name); i < n; i++)
if ( s[i] >= 'a' && s[i] <= 'z')
printf("%c", s[i] - 32);
printf("%c", s[i]);
small tips to improve the loop¶
for (int i = 0, n = strlen(s); i < n; i++)
Rather than:
for (int i = 0; i < strlen(s); i++)
command-line arguments¶
argc: argument count
argv: argument vector (is an array of the arguments)
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, string argv[])
printf("hello, %s\n", argv[1]);
and then in terminal:
make filename
./filename Lechi
hello, Lechi
- 不是argv[0]
- argc是传递给应用程序的参数个数,argv是传递给应用程序的参数,且第一个参数为程序名。
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, string argv[])
if (argc == 2)
printf("hello, %s\n", argv[1]);
print("hello, world!");
Exit status¶
Return non-zero value from main to exit from the program
Exp. return 1;
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, string argv[])
if (argc != 2)
printf("sorry, something went wrong!");
return 1;
print("hello, %s\n", argv[1]);
return 0;
Error code 就是exit status
Function declarations
Return-type function-name(argument-list)
// includes
#include <cs50.h>
#include <stdio.h>
// declare function prototype
int add_two_ints(int a, int b);
int main(void)
// ask user for input
int x = get_int("Give me an integer: ");
int y = get_int("Give me another integer: ");
// add the two numbers together via a function call
int z = add_two_ints(x, y);
// output the result
printf("The sum of %i and %i is %i!\n", x, y, z);
int add_two_ints(int a, int b)
int sum = a + b;
return sum;
bool valid_triangle(float a, float b, float c);
bool valid_triangle(float a, float b, float c)
// check for all positive sides
if (a <= 0 || b <= 0 || c <= 0)
return false;
// check that sum of any two sides greater than the third
if ((a + b <= c) || (a + c <= b) || (b + C <= a))
return false;
// if the sides passed both two tests, then the triangle is valid
return true;
variable scope¶
local variable
global variable
compare string in C¶
use strcmp()
if (strcmp(phrase, password) == 0)
pass by value¶
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cs50.h>
int set_int(int x);
int main(void)
int a = 5;
a = set_int(a);
printf("%i\n", a);
int set_int(int x)
x = 20;
return x;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cs50.h>
void set_int(int x);
int main(void)
int a = 5;
printf("%i\n", a);
void set_int(int x)
x = 20;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cs50.h>
void set_array(int x[4]);
int main(void)
int number[4] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
printf("%i\n", number[0]);
void set_array(int x[4])
x[0] = 20;
输出为20,array时pass by reference,int是pass by value
- 只输出大写,但是不改变原来的字符串(有两种输出方式)
#include <ctype.h>
#include <cs50.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(void)
string s = get_string("Before: ");
int n = strlen(s);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
// 第一种输出方式
printf("%c", toupper(s[i]));
// 第二种输出方式
- 直接将整个字符串变成大写(也是两种操作方式)
#include <ctype.h>
#include <cs50.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(void)
string s = get_string("Before: ");
int n = strlen(s);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
// 直接使用ascii(这种方法的不足之处是需要使用for语句来避免非小写的情况,比如大写的E在这种情况下会变成%)
s[i] = s[i] - 32;
// 调用toupper()
s[i] = toupper(s[i]);
printf("%s", s);
WEEK 3 Algorithms¶
Focus on algorithms that solve problems with arrays
Efficiency - running time
Computer scientists tend to describe running time with big O notation, which we can think of as “on the order of” something, as though we want to convey an idea of running time and not an exact number of milliseconds or steps.
y = n x: Describe them both as having big O of n or on the order of n running time
y = lgx: it takes "big O of logn" steps (The base of the logarithm, 2, is also removed since it’s a constant factor.
common running times are as followed: $$ O(n^2) \ O(n\log_nn) \ O(n) \ O(log_nn) \ O(1) \ $$ Computer scientist also use big omega notation $$ \omega $$ Big Omega notation describes the lower bound of number of steps for our algorithm, or how few steps it might take, in the best case. Big O, on the order of, is the upper bound of number of steps, or how many steps it might take, in the worst case. $$ \omega(n^2) \ \omega(n\log_nn) \ \omega(n) \ \omega(log_nn) \ \omega(1) \ $$ big Theta, which we use to describe running times of algorithms if the upper bound and lower bound is the same. $$ \theta(n^2) \ \theta(n\log_nn) \ \theta(n) \ \theta(log_nn) \ \theta(1) \ $$
if the running time is O(1), a constant of steps in a program is required no matter how big the problem is.
linear search, binary search¶
Linear search: 从左到右一个个找
For i from 0 to n-1
If number behind doors[i]
Return true
Return false
The big O running time is O(n)
the lower bound, big Omega would be omega(1)
If the numbers are sorted, we can use binary search
If no doors
Return false
If number behind doors[middle]
Return true
Else if number < doors[middle]
Search doors[0] through doors[middle - 1]
Else if number > doors[middle]
Search doors [middle + 1] through doors[n - 1]
the big O running time is O(log n)
the lower bound, big Omega would be omega(1)
searching with code¶
在c里面不能直接比较字符串是否相同,比如使用(name[1] == "Charlie")
returns a negative value if the first string comes before the second string, 0
if the strings are the same, and a positive value if the first string comes after the second string.
如果第一个字符串在第二个字符串之前,' strcmp '返回负值,如果两个字符串相同,则返回' 0 ',如果第一个字符串在第二个字符串之后,则返回一个正值。
if (strcmp(names[i], "Ron") == 0)
return 0;
if (!strcmp(names[i], "Ron"))
return 0;
structs (data structure)¶
a not well-designed way to maintain both names and their phone numbers in 2 arrays
string names[] = {"Carter", "David"};
string numbers[] = {"+1-617-495-1000", "+1-949-468-2750"};
We can create a struct with a data type person that includes both names and phone numbers. define our own data structure with typedef struct
typedef struct
string name;
string number;
Exp. Phonebook
#include <cs50.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef struct
string name;
string number;
int main(void)
person people[2];
people[0].name = "Carter";
people[0].number = "+1-617-495-1000";
people[1].name = "David";
people[1].number = "+1-949-468-2750";
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
if (strcmp(people[i].name, "David") == 0)
printf("Found %s\n", people[i].number);
return 0;
printf("Not found\n");
return 1;
封装:encapulation is idea that related data is grouped together, and here we’ve encapsulated two pieces of information, name
and number
into the same data structure.
Taking in an unsorted list of numbers as an imput and produce an output of a sorted list of numbers
selection sort demonstration¶
For i from 0 to n–1
Find smallest number between numbers[i] and numbers[n-1]
Swap smallest number with numbers[i]
计算为n(n+1)/2=n^2/2+n/2,当数据无限大时,upper bound of running time是O(n^2)
最小步骤的情况是整个list就是按照从小到大排列的,但是这个算法本身不会因为从小到大排列而自动退出,仍然会把所有过程走一遍,所以it has the lower bound of running time of \omega(n^2)
bubble sort demonstration¶
Repeat n-1 times
For i from 0 to n–2
If numbers[i] and numbers[i+1] out of order
Swap them
If no waps
upper bound of running time是O(n^2)
The lower bound 就是\omega(n)
#include <cs50.h>
#include <stdio.h>
void draw(int n);
int main(void)
int height = get_int("Height: ");
void draw(int n)
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < i + 1; j++)
#include <cs50.h>
#include <stdio.h>
void draw(int n);
int main(void)
int height = get_int("Height: ");
void draw(int n)
if (n <= 0)
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
在比如阶乘:写一个factorial function来实现阶乘, 即:
Fact(3)=1* 2 *3
int fact(int n);
int fact(int n)
// base case
if (n == 1)
return 1;
//recursive case
return n * fact(n-1);
再再比如斐波那契数列:写个Fibonacci number sequence
int fibo(int n);
int fibo(int n)
if (n ==1)
return 0;
else if (n == 2)
return 1;
return fibo(n-1) + fibo(n-2)
再比如:Collatz conjecture
int collatz(int n);
int collatz(int n)
if (n == 1)
return 0;
else if ((n % 2) == 0)
return collatz(n = n/2) + 1;
return collatz(3*n + 1) + 1;
merge sort¶
Merge sort是将递归思想运用在sort里
If only one number
Sort left half of number
Sort right half of number
Merge sorted halves
the upper bound of merge sort is O(nlogn)
the lower bound is also \omega(nlogn)
回忆cs50里八个数从最上面一层摆到最下面一层要经历3次下降(log2 8),每次下降这8个数每个都要比较然后放到下一层
所以是8log8,即n logn
- white, with R: 255, G: 255, and B: 255, and #FFFFFF
- red, with R: 255, G: 0, and B: 0, and #FF0000
- green, with R: 0, G: 255, and B: 0, and #00FF00
- blue, with R: 0, G: 0, and B: 255, and #0000FF
- black, #000000
hexadecimal (十六进制)¶
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
helps us humans represent larger numeric values with fewer digits needed.
addresses, pointers¶
A pointer is a variable that stores an address in memory, where some other variable might be stored.
operator can be used to get the address of some variable, as with&n
. And the*
operator declares a variable as a pointer, as withint *p
, indicating that we have a variable calledp
that points to anint
. So, to store the address of a variablen
into a pointerp
, we would write: -
int *p = &n;
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
int n = 50;
int *p = &n;
printf("%p\n", p); // 0x7ffda0a4767c
printf("%i\n", *p); // 50
$ ./address
segmentation faults, where we’ve tried to read or write to memory we don’t have permission to.
We can declare a string with string s = "HI!";
, which will be stored one character at a time in memory. And we can access each character with s[0]
, s[1]
, s[2]
, and s[3]
sis a variable of type
string`, which is a pointer to a character.
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
char *s = "HI!";
printf("%s\n", s);
to see the addresses of characters in a string
#include <cs50.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
string s = "HI!";
char *p = &s[0];
printf("%p\n", p);
printf("%p\n", s);
pointer arithmetic¶
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
char *s = "Hi!";
printf("%c\n", *s);
printf("%c\n", *(s + 1));
printf("%c\n", *(s + 2));
// 或者等效以下
char *s = "HI!";
printf("%c\n", s[0]);
printf("%c\n", s[1]);
printf("%c\n", s[2]);
goes to the address stored in s
, and *(s + 1)
goes to the location in memory with the next character, an address that is one byte higher.
is syntactic sugar, like an abstraction for *(s + 1)
, equivalent in function but more human-friendly to read and write.
pointers provide an alternative way to pass data between functions
- when we pass data by value, we only pass a copy of that data
if we use pointers instead, we have power to pass the actual variable itself
data type | size |
int | 4 |
char | 1 |
float | 4 |
double | 8 |
long long | 8 |
string | ? |
& is used to extract the exact address of an already existing variable
segmentation fault: go to the NULL place
dereferenfce: int* p 就是去到p的地址,然后找到对应的p值
if i want to identify multiple pointers in one line, we can use
int* pa, *pb, *pc;
compare and copy¶
#include <cs50.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
char *s = get_string("s: ");
char *t = get_string("t: ");
if (s == t)
$ make compare
$ ./compare
s: HI!
t: BYE!
$ ./compare
s: HI!
t: HI!
- Even when our inputs are the same, we see “Different” printed.
- Each “string” is a pointer,
char *
, to a different location in memory, where the first character of each string is stored. So even if the characters in the string are the same, this will always print “Different”.
memory allocation¶
- We’ll need to use a new function,
, to allocate some number of bytes in memory. And we’ll usefree
to mark memory as usable when we’re done with it, so the operating system can do something else with it. - Our computers might slow down if a program we’re running has a bug where it allocates more and more memory but never frees it. The operating system will take longer and longer to find enough available memory for our program.
#include <cs50.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(void)
char *s = get_string("s: ");
char *t = malloc(strlen(s) + 1);
for (int i = 0, n = strlen(s) + 1; i < n; i++)
t[i] = s[i];
t[0] = toupper(t[0]);
printf("s: %s\n", s);
printf("t: %s\n", t);
#include <cs50.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(void)
char *s = get_string("s: ");
char *t = malloc(strlen(s) + 1);
strcpy(t, s);
t[0] = toupper(t[0]);
printf("s: %s\n", s);
printf("t: %s\n", t);
We can add some error-checking to our program:
#include <cs50.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(void)
char *s = get_string("s: ");
char *t = malloc(strlen(s) + 1);
if (t == NULL)
return 1;
strcpy(t, s);
if (strlen(t) > 0)
t[0] = toupper(t[0]);
printf("s: %s\n", s);
printf("t: %s\n", t);
- If our computer is out of memory,
will returnNULL
, the null pointer, or a special value of all0
bits that indicates there isn’t an address to point to. So we should check for that case, and exit ift
. - We should also check that
has a length, before trying to capitalize the first character.
valgrind 内存泄露¶
is a command-line tool that we can use to run our program and see if it has any memory-related issues.- We’ll run
valgrind ./filename
after compiling, and we’ll see a lot of output
int *x = malloc(3 * sizeof(int));
garbage values¶
int main(void)
int *x;
int *y;
x = malloc(sizeof(int));
*x = 42;
*y = 13;
y = x;
*y = 13;
- In the first two lines, we declare two pointers. Then, we allocate memory for
, but noty
, so we can assign a value to the memoryx
is pointing to with*x = 42;
. But*y = 13;
is problematic, since we haven’t allocated any memory fory
, and the garbage value there points to some area in memory we likely don’t have access to. - We can write
y = x;
so thaty
points to the same allocated memory asx
, and use*y = 13;
to set the value there.
define custom types¶
struct car
int year;
char model[10];
char plate[7];
int odometer;
double engine_size;
typedef struct car car_t;
or we can use:
typedef struct car
int year;
char model[10];
char plate[7];
int odometer;
double engine_size;
dynamic memory allocation¶
initialized data
uninitialized data
environment variables
statically obtain an integer
int x;
dynamically obtain an intetger
int *px = malloc(sizeof(int));
// get an integer from the user
int x = GetInt();
// array of floats on the stack
float stack_array[x];
// array of floats on the heap
float* heap_array = malloc(x * sizeof (float));
free memory¶
every block of memory that you malloc(), should be free()
void swap(int *a, int *b)
int tmp = *a;
*a = *b;
*b = tmp;
#include <stdio.h>
void swap(int *a, int *b);
int main(void)
int x = 1;
int y = 2;
printf("x is %i, y is %i\n", x, y);
swap(&x, &y);
printf("x is %i, y is %i\n", x, y);
void swap(int *a, int *b)
int tmp = *a;
*a = *b;
*b = tmp;
With &x
, we can get the address of x
to pass in.
- The machine code section is our compiled program’s binary code. When we run our program, that code is loaded into memory.
- Just below, or in the next part of memory, are global variables we declared in our program.
- The heap section is an empty area from where
can get free memory for our program to use. As we callmalloc
, we start allocating memory from the top down. - The stack section is used by functions and local variables in our program as they are called, and grows upwards.
- If we call
for too much memory, we will have a heap overflow, since we end up going past our heap. Or, if we call too many functions without returning from them, we will have a stack overflow, where our stack has too much memory allocated as well.
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
int x;
printf("x: ");
scanf("%i", &x);
printf("x: %i\n", x);
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
char *s;
printf("s: ");
scanf("%s", s);
printf("s: %s\n", s);
We can call malloc
to allocate memory:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
char *s = malloc(4);
printf("s: ");
scanf("%s", s);
printf("s: %s\n", s);
// Saves names and numbers to a CSV file
#include <cs50.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(void)
// Open CSV file
FILE *file = fopen("phonebook.csv", "a");
if (!file)
return 1;
// Get name and number
string name = get_string("Name: ");
string number = get_string("Number: ");
// Print to file
fprintf(file, "%s,%s\n", name, number);
// Close file
is a new function we can use to open a file with a new type,FILE
.- We can use
to write to a file.
the file manipulation functions all live in stdio.h
fopen() FILE* ptr = fopen(
FILE* ptr1 = fopen(
read append
fgetc() file get a character
char ch = fgetc(
read all the characters fron a file:
char ch;
while ((ch = fgetc(ptr)) != EOF);
printf("%c", ch);
EOF end of file
int arr[10];
fread(arr, sizeof(int), 10, ptr);
double* arr2 = malloc(sizeof(double) * 80);
fread(arr2, sizeof(double), 80, ptr);
char c;
fread(&c, sizeof(char), 1, ptr); // 第一个空必须指向一个地址(pointed by <buffer>)
int arr[10];
fwrite(arr, sizeof(int), 10, ptr);
Let’s look at a program that opens a file and tells us if it’s a JPEG file, a particular format for image files, with jpeg.c
// Detects if a file is a JPEG
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
typedef uint8_t BYTE;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
// Check usage
if (argc != 2)
return 1;
// Open file
FILE *file = fopen(argv[1], "r");
if (!file)
return 1;
// Read first three bytes
BYTE bytes[3];
fread(bytes, sizeof(BYTE), 3, file);
// Check first three bytes
if (bytes[0] == 0xff && bytes[1] == 0xd8 && bytes[2] == 0xff)
printf("Yes, possibly\n");
// Close file
$ make jpeg
$ ./jpeg .src4/lecture.jpg
Yes, possibly
We’ll learn more about these in this week’s problem set as well, and even implement our own version of image filters, like one that only shows the color red:
#include "helpers.h"
// Only let red through
void filter(int height, int width, RGBTRIPLE image[height][width])
// Loop over all pixels
for (int i = 0; i < height; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < width; j++)
image[i][j].rgbtBlue = 0x00;
image[i][j].rgbtGreen = 0x00;
make filter
./filter hidden.bmp newfilename.bmp
code newfilename.bmp
linked lists 链表¶
typedef struct node
int number;
struct node *next;
node *list = NULL;
node *n = malloc(sizeof(node));
if (n != NULL)
(*n).number = 1;
if (n != NULL)
n->number = 1;
n->next = NULL;
list = n;
- We start this struct with
typedef struct node
so that we can refer to astruct node
inside our struct. - Then, we’ll have an
, for the value we want to store, and then a pointer to the next node withstruct node
. (We haven’t fully definednode
yet, so the compiler needs to know it’s a custom struct still.) - Finally,
at the end lets us use justnode
in the rest of our program.
grwoing arrays¶
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(void)
int *list = malloc(3 * sizeof(int));
if (list == NULL)
return 1;
list[0] = 1;
list[1] = 2;
list[2] = 3;
if (list = NULL)
这句是为了防止在memory allocation的时候产生错误没有成功为list 产生空间,因为malloc功能会fail
int list[3];
list[0] = 1;
list[1] = 2;
list[2] = 3;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(void)
int *list = malloc(3 * sizeof(int));
if (list == NULL)
return 1;
list[0] = 1;
list[1] = 2;
list[2] = 3;
int *temp = malloc(4 * sizeof(int));
if (temp == NULL)
return 1;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
temp[i] = list[i];
temp[3] = 4;
list = temp;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
printf("%i\n", list[i]);
return 0;
use realloc
resize old aaray to be certain size
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(void)
// Dynamically allocate an array of size 3
int *list = malloc(3 * sizeof(int));
if (list == NULL)
return 1;
// Assign three numbers to that array
list[0] = 1;
list[1] = 2;
list[2] = 3;
// Time passes
// Resize old array to be of size 4
int *tmp = realloc(list, 4 * sizeof(int));
if (tmp == NULL)
return 1;
// Add fourth number to new array
tmp[3] = 4;
// Remember new array
list = tmp;
// Print new array
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
printf("%i\n", list[i]);
// Free new array
return 0;
growing linked lists¶
typedef struct node
int number;
struct node *next;
node *list = NULL;
node *n = malloc(sizeof(node));
if (n != NULL)
(*n).number = 1;
if (n != NULL)
n->number = 1;
n->next = NULL;
list = n;
n = malloc(sizeof(node));
if (n != NULL)
n->number = 2;
n->next = NULL;
list->next = n;
node *n = malloc(sizeof(node));
if (n != NULL)
n->number = 3;
n->next = NULL;
list->next->next = n;
implementing linked lists¶
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct node
int number;
struct node *next;
int main(void)
node *list = NULL;
node *n = malloc(sizeof(node));
if (n == NULL)
return 1;
n->number = 1;
n->next = NULL;
list = n;
n = malloc(sizeof(node));
if (n == NULL)
return 1;
n->number = 2;
n->next = NULL;
list->next = n;
n = malloc(sizeof(node));
if(n == NULL)
return 1;
n->number = 3;
n->next = NULL;
list->next->next = n;
for (node *temp = list; temp != NULL; temp = temp->next)
printf("%i", temp->number);
while (list != NULL)
node *temp = list->next;
list = tmp;
return 0;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct node
int number;
struct node *left;
struct node *right;
int main(void)
// set the tree size to 0
node *tree = NULL;
// add number to list
node *n = malloc(sizeof(node));
if(n == NULL)
return 1;
n->number = 2;
n->left = NULL;
n->right = NULL;
tree = n;
n = malloc(sizeof(node));
if(n == NULL)
return 1;
n->number = 1;
n->left = NULL;
n->right = NULL;
tree->left = n;
n = malloc(sizeof(node));
if(n == NULL)
return 1;
n->number = 3;
n->left = NULL;
n->right = NULL;
tree->right = n;
return 0;